Simplified financial aid or AFS

As part of prevention against risks linked to professional activities, Carsat has put in place simplified financial aid in the form of subsidies. What is it about ? How to benefit from it? What about this exceptional financial support for VSEs and SMEs?

Simplified financial aid, kesako?

Implemented by the prevention of work accidents and occupational diseases, and therefore in the improvement of the working conditions of their employees, thanks to subsidies for the purchase of equipment or the financing of training.

The simplified financial aid allocated by Carsat/CRAMIF is a minimum of €1,000 and capped at €25,000 , and is for a limited duration (1 year). The amount of the subsidy awarded is defined according to the targeted prevention measures , and the payment is made in one go. It should be noted that certain simplified financial aid is intended for a particular sector of activity, just as certain subsidies are only reserved for the purchase of specific equipment or the prevention of a particular pathology.

Simplified financial aid formulas and the conditions to benefit from them

Among the aid to which companies can currently claim are the following formulas:

  • Building + : for the implementation of appropriate measures and equipment on construction sites with the aim of improving hygiene conditions and reducing exposure to the risks of falls and MSDs.
  • TMS Pros Diagnostic : to help companies implement a process for identifying and controlling TMS risks,
  • TMS Pro Action : to finance training or the purchase of materials and equipment to reduce the physical constraints of workers and prevent the risks of Musculoskeletal Disorders,
  • Stop Asbestos : for the purchase of specific materials and equipment aimed at limiting exposure to asbestos and other risks linked to this toxic material (assisted ventilation or air induction mask, mobile decontamination unit, vacuum cleaner equipped with 'a Very High Efficiency filter or THE...)
  • Film maker + : for the acquisition of equipment for securing the work area and any other automated device complying with current standards (rotary plate film machine and/or rotating arm automatic covering machine), in order to reduce the risk of falls and of TMS.
  • Airbonus : for an investment in equipment and systems to protect employees against exhaust gas and smoke emissions in automobile repair garages or technical inspection centers.

Small businesses wishing to qualify for financial support for investments in occupational risk prevention actions are required to meet certain conditions :

  • Be affiliated to the general Social Security system,
  • Have a workforce of less than 50 employees (note that priority will be given to companies with fewer than 20 employees),
  • Not having benefited from financial aid since January 1, 2018 (condition of non-cumulation with another VSE prevention grant, a prevention contract or assistance from the Working Conditions Improvement Fund),
  • Be up to date in paying contributions to URSSAF,
  • Join an inter-company occupational health service,
  • Not be the subject of an injunction, an additional contribution or have a dispute with Social Security in progress,
  • Have the single professional risk assessment document up to date at the time of payment.

To apply for a subsidy, you will need to download and complete the form dedicated to companies with fewer than 50 employees. Once completed, it should be sent, preferably by email, to the regional fund with the various supporting documents (RIB, up-to-date URSSAF certificate, SST membership certificate, Single Document, paid invoices + specific documents according to the help requested).

Invest in Stock & Roll solutions thanks to simplified financial aid

The simplified financial aid offered to VSEs and SMEs by Carsat is used, among other things, to acquire professional risk prevention equipment . These subsidies will enable large format digital printing workshops, graphic arts professionals, decoration services, sign makers, etc. to invest in innovative Stock & Roll solutions, recognized by occupational medicine. More specifically, these are rolling carts intended for the storage and transport of large format reels , and which help prevent musculoskeletal disorders (MSD).

Compact and extremely mobile, Stock & Roll products address the problem of excessive handling and repetitive movements carried out by workers which can be the cause of work accidents and pathologies such as musculoskeletal disorders. Particularly ergonomic, made from resistant materials and easy to handle, the Stock & Roll will help improve the comfort of your employees who will work in complete safety, while increasing your productivity. The Stock & Roll large format roll carts will easily adapt to your work surface, allowing you to keep your rolls clean and perfectly tidy. It should be noted that Stock & Roll rolling carts are patented, made in France and guaranteed for 5 years.